
Friday, 16 August 2019

Adorable Animals

~ Introduction ~

Today I am making a random blog post about animals. I love lots of animals and my favourite type of animal is a Husky (DOG). But I love all of the animals. I am going to show you a couple of photos and then explain what those animals are and what they do to live.

This puppy ( ABOVE THIS PARAGRAPH) is a pug. Its a black pug when it is a puppy. These creatures can grow up to 10 - 13 inches and in height 25cm - 36cm. Male pugs tend to grow taller than female but I don't know why.
These 2 pictures are an animal called POMERANIAN. I also love this type of animal as it is adorable and I would always want one.  These animals can be 7 - 12 inches tall and weigh 3 - 7 pounds. These puppy's have a life span of 12 - 16 years of living. Thats amazing!

What is your favourite animal?

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