For the last term we have been learning about tattoo's. Tattoos have to be small, simple and somewhere you can put it. When you think about your tattoo you have to think about what it is. For an Example - If you like fortnite, in about 20 yrs time you might not like fortnite and you liek something else. Once that is on you, you'll look like a fool. Tattoo's will be on you till you pass away of die. We had to look at different sites and differnent desgins. We had desgined a tattoo and inprivised the desgin. The most challenging part of this whole prosess is to create the desgn, keep it simple and make sure it fits from where you want it. The easy part was to write the description of why I chose that tattoo. Here is my design of the tattoo...
This is the description...
I Choose The Harmony sign for our voices. My family has great voices and its sounds so great when we sing together.
The energy Is for energetic. My Family has each been in a race. Because we run everyday.
I choose this one because It is simple and very easy. I'm going to have it on my wrist because its small and if you imagine it small you can still put it where you what to.