
Friday, 27 September 2019

Saftety equitment in a science lab

Today we have been learning about the equipment in the lab and some of the safety rules as well. 

 Aim: To get across what the rules are in the science lab
Top five Safety rules in a Science lab:

  1.  NO Running
  2. Bags at the back of the classroom or under your desk
  3. If you break a glass product tell a teacher right away and clean up the mess
  4. Listen carefully to instructions
  5. Make sure if there is any water involved, and any of it spills on the floor clean it up.
  6. NO Food or drink
  7. Only a murmur voice as someone could be trying to do there experiment and someone starts to yell which will put them of and may spill something
  8.  Be careful of your surroundings
  9. Have your hair tied up
  10. Never inhale any chemicals
Safety equipment:

Test Tubes
Conical Flask
Measuring cylinder

Wednesday, 25 September 2019

New Bulidings

Wednesday 25 September

This week on Monday we had entered our new classrooms/Kahu's. This was an amazing time, apart from the new smell. That smelt disgusting. It's part of having new buildings. One of the things that I mostly enjoyed was that we got to have a look in all of the buildings which we get to see what the other teachers has set there classrooms like.

When I walked into our new classrooms I thought.... that it would not be long till it would become messy. But also I thought with Mrs Shehata being in this classroom it would be neat and tidy. I don't know to be honest, I never really had any thoughts.

When I walked into our new classrooms I saw.... An amazing teared seating. This was the biggest thing in our classroom. I also saw more classrooms around which was for older kids above year 7 and 8. One of the favourite parts of this building was that there was sheets of paper on most of the doors. Which showed us what classroom.
Example: T2, T2 is our classroom that we share with Mr Tisch's class.

When I walked into our new classrooms I felt.... A sense that some of us would get along as we have a combined class which means that there is a likely chance that children can work well together. I have to admit that I don't really work well with other classrooms, but it really depends on the noise level and how I can work.

As we have a new school it took about roughly 2 years to make. They still have some other buildings that they may start building. There's supposed to be 5 but it depends how many students we actually get. For these's new classrooms to get built it was $27.000000 to pay for. 

This experience was weird and amazing at the same time. They had layed this out perfectly. All of the classrooms are the same.

Friday, 20 September 2019


On Monday for Art we have been creating the background for our animation. I am pretty happy with what we had painted. This is an amazing piece of artwork. My group had amazing ideas on what to paint. Here is my art work...

Friday, 13 September 2019

Science - Reflection



Scientific words:

  • Evaporation. When water is heated by radiant energy it turns into water vapor.
  • Transpiration. Evaporation from plants.
  • Condensation. When water vapor cools, molecules join together and form clouds.
  • Precipitation. When clouds get heavy the waters falls as rain, sleet, hail, or snow.
  • Acidification: the action or process of making or becoming acidic.


Image result for the water cycle


Bag 1: Normal Water cycle
Bag 2: Water cycle with CO2 added: like Oceans in climate change
Bag 3: Water cycle with ice added: like Antarctica in climate change


  1.  Vivid
  2.  2x Bags
  3. 1/2 Water 
  4.  1 tbsp of baking soda


  1.  Draw your water cycle
  2.  Carefully add the water
  3.  If your doing the acid one, add 1 tbsp of baking soda and litmus paper at the top
  4.  Add some food colouring
  5. Wait at least 2 - 3 wks

Two Images:


The Water Cycle: Bag 1
CO2 Water Cycle: Bag 2
Desert Water Cycle
Bag 3
Does it cycle?
Amount of Water

Key: Water and acidity amount: 1 = none 
2 = small 
3 = large 


The normal water cycle had less condensation than the other. The normal bag didn't have any Baking soda involved

The water cycle with the acid, had changed the colour of the litmus paper to red after it started out blue.

Thursday, 12 September 2019


I am making a charactor for my animation for my group, We all get to have our own character and create them our own way.  My charator fits in as we are all wolfs apart from 1. 1 of the wolfs are homeless as well so it connects.

I am mostly finding challenging is the clay as it's hard to get it the correct clay I want/need.

This is so far what I have created.
I had to redo this as it wasen't how I wanted it.

Wednesday, 11 September 2019

Kiwi Kids News

Today for Media Team I have been on Kiwi Kids News. I found a lot of interesting things.
A granny doing the floss, what's inside of a rattles snake's rattle, Emoji Challenge and more. These were so interesting.

CIP - Community Impact Projects

This week we have been learning about recycling stationery. We have signed up to a website that our used stationery can go to recycle. I made a slideshow explaining some of this....

Tuesday, 10 September 2019

Science (Solar Pannels)

Aim: To find out what colour attracts the suns heat.


I think that the colour is going to be silver/Tin foil.


  1.  1x Tin foil cup
  2.  1x Clear cup
  3.  1x Black plastic bag
  4.  1x Small black bag
  5.  1x Heat lamp
  6. 1x White paper
  7. 1x Thermometer
  8. 1x Tin Foil 
  9. 1x Plastic cup


  1.   Collect the equipment
  2.  Set it up, Put the white, tin foil and the black bag on the table.
  3. Put with clear cup on the black bag in the middle
  4. Put the little black bag over it
  5. Put the white cup in the middle of the white paper
  6. Put the tin foil paper in the middle of the tin foil
  7.  Plug in the heat lamp
  8.  Pour the water
  9.   Wait 15 minutes
  10. Record your findings


Cup 1
Cup 2
Cup 3


This is a photo of all of the cups. Throughout this the black one spilled as we let the thermometer. 
The highest was the black one even though it was on the side. 

This was amazing 

Monday, 9 September 2019

Ella West Visit

Today at P1 we had an amazing author come to school and visited us. Her name is Ella West. She talked to us about her books and how she writes them and what she does. We had asked lots of questions.

Ella west has written 5 books so far. The longest book she has ever made took 3 yrs to make. That's a long time. She told us a funny story but to me it wasn't that funny. She said that she went to the publisher in her country, the publishers gave her the book back and told her to redo the whole entire book again.
Image result for night vision ella west
Night vision is an amazing book. I haven't read it myself but it seems amazing the way she was talking about it. This book is a heart - thumping thriller that will leave you breathless. This book is about a girl who has a disease which is xp. I don't understand it that much but you can look some of it up.

Image result for rainfall ella west
Rain fall is one of the books i'm looking forward to the most as it seems the most interesting to me. Her and her husband live on a sheep farm near Dunedin after spending many years on the west coast. Rain fall is about a 15 year old girl who needs to get to her basketball match but the police had stopped her.

I mostly enjoyed that she was giving amazing facts about the book without her actually spoiling the book. I haven't read any of her books but I am bound to.

Here is an example of a creative piece of writing:

Long ago in a pine forest there is this little 5 year old girl with, black hair, brown eyes, and an amazing personality. She was with her mother Sandra. Somehow they ended up there they don't have a clue what happened. They heard some noise in the sky, It was a helicopter to help them. They were relived. The rescue crew could not see them, they had to think of a plan. They had an Idea they would shine a torch to the sky. They found them!

Friday, 6 September 2019

Science - Climate Chaos

For Science we have been learning about the water cycle. We have been having a look at different types of changes. So with the changes we used litmus paper which should turn red. With the other bag it will possibly just have condensation.

This is a doc that I used to write up my experiment. Have a look...
Climate Chaos
Written by: 


Litmus paper water cycle
Water Cycle

Experiment 1
Experiment 2


To see what happens with the Litmus paper
To see what happens throughout the condensation


  • 1x Zip
  • 1x Vivid
  • 2x Strips of double sided tape
  • Half a cup of water
  • 2x drops of food colouring
  • 1x Pair of scissors
  • 1x teaspoon of baking soda
  • 1x strip of Litmus paper
  • 1x Zip lock bag
  • 1x Vivid (Colour of your choice)
  • 2x stripes of double sided tape
  • Half a cup of water
  • 2x drops of blue food colouring
  • 1x pair of Scissors


Step one:
You need to get a long zip lock bag and 1 vivid
Step two:
Carefully cut 2 strips of double sided tape about 4 cm long
Step three
You need to draw out a water cycle on the bag. Don’t poke any holes in there
Step four:
Carefully pour half a cup of water in the bag
Step five:
Add 1 teaspoon of baking soda.
Step six:
Add 2 drops of blue food colouring (Don't get any on your clothes or hands)
Step seven:
Close the bag
Step eight:
Hang it up on a window where sunlight comes through.
Step one:
You need to get a long zip lock bag and 1 vivid
Step two:
Carefully cut 2 strips of double sided tape about 4 cm long
Step three
You need to draw out a water cycle on the bag. Don’t poke any holes in there
Step four:
Carefully pour half a cup of water in the bag
Step five:
Add 2 drops of blue food colouring (Don't get any on your clothes or hands)
Step six:
Close the bag
Step seven:
Hang it up on a window where sunlight comes through


What I think the outcome is:
I think that the outcome is that the litmus paper will turn a different colour
What I think the outcome is:
I think that the outcome is that the bag will have condensation in the bag.

What would your outcome be if you had this experiment?


The Water Cycle: Bag 1
CO2 Water Cycle: Bag 2
Desert Water Cycle
Bag 3
Does it cycle?
Amount of Water

  1.  This one has not got the litmus paper 
  2. And the cycle is a bit different to the other 
Second Bag
  1. There was litmus paper that had changed colour 
  2. This bag had more condinsation from the other

Science - Greenhouse afect

Aim: To look at climate change and the greenhouse affect

Aim: To see how hot it could get with a heat lamp


  1. 1 plastic bottle
  2. 1 Teaspoon Baking Soda and Citric Acid
  3. 1 heat lamp
  4. 1 Thermometer
  5. 100 ml water
  6. 1 rubber band

  1. Come and collect all of the materials from Mr Palmer.
  2. Setting up the lights, bottles, thermometers and bungs.
  3. Mr Palmer adds the baking soda mix along with 100ml of water.
  4.  Wait for 5 minutes and start recording the temperature.

All water added to the bottles was from the classroom tap

Bottle 1: Water 
Bottle 2: CO2 Gas
5                      25.c18.c 
No Recording.
No Recording.
No Recording.
No Recording.
No Recording.
No Recording.
No Recording.
No Recording.
No Recording.
No Recording.


The normal bottle of water didn't get as hot as the CO2 water. This is just the same as climate change. I also found this experiment interesting.

Tuesday, 3 September 2019

Science - Different Climate Changes

Today we have been looking at the ranking of climate change. With the climate change we had 6 different  paragraphs for different climate changes.

Cows: Cows create a greenhouse gas called methane when they burp and fart.
Transportation: Most cars need gas or diesel to work.
Electricity: Electricity is a form of energy used power almost everything in our homes.
Food: We need food to survive, but it creates a lot of pollution.
Landfill: Our landfills are growing and using up more healthy land.
Factories: Making cloths, cars, electronics, and processed foods creates a lot of pollution.