
Wednesday, 27 March 2019


If I was to fall off my scooter and brake or sprain a body part and somebody comes to me and just laughs.. That's really mean. You should go and ask if there ok and help them get back up. Here is a poem that I wrote about empathy.

E mathy
M makes
P eople have
A ll
T he
H elp from
Y ou !!

Friday, 1 March 2019

P.E lesson

Kia Ora
We have been doing P.E this term, we had to write down some questions and answer them, here are my answers to the question.

  1. What games did you play Today? 
Bench ball and Silly Bananas

     2. Which one did you enjoy the most and why?
Silly bananas because I got hungry whilst pealing bananas.

     3. What game did you find challenging and why?
Bench ball because I got frustrated when other teams that had a win

    4. One of the goals was to listen..... What skills do you need to have to be a good listener?
You need to stop talking, stop playing with a ball if you had a ballon your hand.

     5. What communication skills do I need to have when playing bench ball?
You had to work collaborative with each other

     6. What skills do I need to work on for my next lesson?
I need to work on some fustration and an extra good thing, I LOVED playing with others


1. I can be able to use my personal space
2. I can be confident when failing
3. I need to listen to the rules carefully



What game did I find challenging and why? ( it was hard is not an answer )
Bench ball because I got frustrated with one team.

One of the goals was to listen... What skills do I need to have to be a good listener?
Not talking to others,

What communication skills did I need when playing bench ball. ( when playing games we played before.
Talk nicely to each other, be kind

What skills do I need to work on for my next lesson?
Frustration, helping others

What is a personal goal I want to work on today?
Paceing the ball to others and call out there names