
Wednesday, 29 August 2018

Poems - Acrostic

For  term 3 we have been learning to create some unique poems. We have been learning to do Limeriks, Acrostic poems, Triplet Poems And a new poem called Cinquian Poems. I have choosen one of my best Acrostic poem. Here is a poem one of the Acrostic that I have done..... ( Its about me of course )


For the last 3 weeks I have been doing a word search. These word finds are not an ordenery word finds.You have to find words with a starting. My 4 letters are COM, SUB, PRO and EN.  I have completed this word search today.

Poems - Cinquain

For  Term 3 we have been learning to create some unique poems. We have been learning to do Limeriks, Acrostic poems, Triplet Poems And a new poem called Cinquian Poems. I have choosen a few of my best Cinquian poem. Here is a poem, it's of the Cinquian poem that I have done..... 

Tuesday, 28 August 2018

Poems - Limericks

For  term 3 we have been learning to create some unique poems. We have been learning to do Limeriks, Acrostic poems, Triplet Poems And a new poem called Cinquian Poems. I have choosen one of my best Limerick poem. Here is a poem one of the limericks that I have done..... ( Its about me of course )

Tuesday, 21 August 2018

Poem - Triplet Poems

For  term 3 we have been learning to create some unique poems. We have been learning to do Limeriks, Acrostic poems, Triplet Poems And a new poem called Cinquian Poems. I have choosen one of my best triplet poem. Here is a poem that I have created

Lift up The Lips, Don't use glued beads
Show your teeth 
A Smile is all you need!!

Comment if you think that you got the Chills, Shivers or Goose Bumps!!!

Thursday, 9 August 2018

Jelly Method Of A Chemical Reation

For the last 2 weeks we have been learing about Chemical Reations in food.
Our topic of food that we had used was ( Jelly ). We had to go threw a few steps.
There was a lot of Washing your hands prosess. Here are the steps that I had to take.

  1. Watch a video
  2. Talk about the sinenticfic words
  3. Wash Hands
  4. Have a bowl of jelly crysals in there.
  5. Talk about what you can see.
  6. Touch it .
  7.  Write the method of the chemical reation in the jelly 
  8. Pour boiling water into the mixture
  9. Mix and talk about what is happining when being mixed
  10. Let It set for 1 - 1 week ( 1 day for you because we only do this on Thursdays )
  11. Touch The jelly
  12. Us a different batch of jelly to eat
  13. Then ¨Lets Eat!!!!¨

Friday, 3 August 2018

My Anthology

For the last 2 weeks we have been learning about Limericks and Anthologys. Mr Breachs whole literacy class had to make an anthology and call it there name and anthology. For an example : Chloe's Anthology.  Our task was to make 2 or more limericks that we made. Find 5 or more poems from the sites he gaves us. Link will be at the end. For the experts ( That finished everything ) they have to write 2 - 3 more poems about The Rain. Here is my Anthology that I have made....

Tree Art

For Our art we have been creating some amazing trees. These Trees tel us of the 4 seasons that we have. Winter, Summer, Spring and Autum. I made an amazing Tree. I am very proud of what I have made. We started these trees on the last week of term 2. I have always loved making art. The most challenging part of the prosess was to do the scrating on the seasons because you have to scratch very carefully. The easy part was making the tree Black because you only use one color and color that tree black. Here is my tree that I had finished.
Comment below what seoson you are in??

Thursday, 2 August 2018

Phonics Meanings!!

In phonics we have been doing word finds. These word finds are not an ordenery word finds.
You have to find words with a starting. My 4 letters are IN, EX, RE and DE. My 4 words  that I chosse for my activity are Ink, Deflate, Explore and Replay. I chose these words because they are things that happen, do or use. I have made a slide show with my sister Haylee on defentions of those words. Have a look at our slide show we have made.

Wednesday, 1 August 2018


This is what I know about weather. Please comment and share your knowledge about weather so I gain more information for my learing.